Learning generalizable AI models for multi-center histopathology image classification npj Precision Oncology

Revolutionizing agriculture with artificial intelligence: plant disease detection methods, applications, and their limitations

ai based image recognition

In the context of plant disease identification problems, it has been discovered that texture feature usage yields more favorable outcomes (Kaur et al, 2019). By using the grey-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) method, one may determine the area’s energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity, moment of inertia, and other textural features (Mokhtar et al., 2015; Islam et al., 2017). Texture characteristics may be separated using FT and wavelet packet decomposition (Kaur et al, 2019). Additional features such as the Speed-up robust feature, the Histogram of Oriented Gradients, and the Pyramid Histogram of Visual Words (PHOW) have shown greater effectiveness (Kaur et al, 2019). In agriculture, the procedure of extracting features from raw data is known as feature extraction. In the context of ML, feature engineering is a fundamental technique that includes transforming raw data into a set of meaningful and relevant features (Basavaiah and Anthony, 2020).

Classification is the first stage of this process, which involves separating data into classes. In this context, we are particularly interested in plant leaf detection and classification, specifically in differentiating between healthy and diseased examples. To perform, there is a need to know about the classification and detection algorithms of ML and DL. For an accurate disease classification, the image acquisition phase is crucial.

The development of DL architectures has impacted various fields, including plant disease diagnosis, image detection, segmentation, and classification. It is worth noting that several pre-trained models tailored to deep neural networks (DNN) already exist within agricultural research. Keras’s cited work describes that these models are deployed in agriculture to aid in prediction, feature extraction, and tweaking. CNN’s performance is very sensitive to the complexity of their underlying architectures. Image classification has seen the development and study of several well-known CNN architectures. Several empirical studies have shown that these structures perform better than alternatives.

Brain tumor detection from images and comparison with transfer learning methods and 3-layer CNN – Nature.com

Brain tumor detection from images and comparison with transfer learning methods and 3-layer CNN.

Posted: Thu, 01 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Traditional rock strength assessment methods mainly rely on field sampling and laboratory tests, such as uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) tests and velocity tests. Although these methods provide relatively accurate rock strength data, they are complex, time-consuming, and unable to reflect real-time changes in field conditions. Therefore, this study proposes ChatGPT a new method based on artificial intelligence and neural networks to improve the efficiency and accuracy of rock strength assessments. This research utilizes a Transformer + UNet hybrid model for lithology identification and an optimized ResNet-18 model for determining rock weathering degrees, thereby correcting the strength of the tunnel face surrounding rock.

Sports image classification with SE-RES-CNN model

The raw output image from the model is post-processed iteratively with a morphological transformation to remove small components and recover holes. Finally, OrgaExtractor generates a binary contour image of organoids in which each organoid is labeled in ascending order. It analyzes the contour image using the OpenCV-Python library and provides information such as the projected area, diameter, perimeter, major axis length, minor axis length, eccentricity, circularity, roundness, and solidity. Images of organoids embedded in Matrigel-containing droplets were acquired using an IX73 inverted microscope (Olympus) with 4 × and 10 × objectives in a brightfield and fluorescence. Because colon organoids were suspended in Matrigel, the level with the most organoids in focus was chosen.

ai based image recognition

The extracted measurements were saved as a text file in OrgaExtractor, enabling us to handle and manipulate the data efficiently. We calculated the ratio of a micrometer (μm) to a pixel in the original image because the organoid image was saved with a scale bar. The metric projected area (pixels) was converted into the actual projected area (μm2) based on the ratio explained (Fig. 2b). Thompson said image recognition software is used everywhere including at NRG Stadium and during the rodeo. AI is increasingly playing a role in our healthcare systems and medical research. Doctors and radiologists could make cancer diagnoses using fewer resources, spot genetic sequences related to diseases, and identify molecules that could lead to more effective medications, potentially saving countless lives.

Fortressing the digital frontier: A comprehensive look at IBM Cloud network security services

Heatmap analysis (a–c) of three samples from the Ovarian dataset correctly classified by both ADA and AIDA methods. The first column is the input slide incorporating the tumor annotation provided by the pathologist, and the second and third columns are the outputs of ADA and AIDA methods. During the model training process, both the training loss and validation loss gradually decreased over 500 epochs, as shown in Fig. The smoothed training loss and validation loss displayed similar trends, gradually decreasing and stabilizing around 450–500 epochs.

Handloomed fabrics recognition with deep learning – Nature.com

Handloomed fabrics recognition with deep learning.

Posted: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Histogram equalization enhances the brightness and contrast of the image but results in a diminished range of gray levels and more significant degradation of image details. The original SSR enhancement of the infrared image leads to a pronounced halo effect, and a serious loss of texture, which hinders ChatGPT App subsequent equipment recognition. The results from the bilateral filter indicate an issue of over-enhancement, causing the image to be overexposed and visually unappealing. In contrast, Ani-SSR successfully improves image contrast while preserving rich edge information and texture details.

By automating certain tasks, AI is transforming the day-to-day work lives of people across industries, and creating new roles (and rendering some obsolete). In creative fields, for example, generative AI reduces the cost, time, and human input to make marketing and video content. Though you may not hear of Alphabet’s AI endeavors in the news every day, its work in deep learning and AI in general has the potential to change the future for human beings. Each is fed databases to learn what it should put out when presented with certain data during training. Some experts define intelligence as the ability to adapt, solve problems, plan, improvise in new situations, and learn new things.

Alternative segmentation methodologies must be explored to identify vegetable diseases with isolating symptoms. In agricultural research, the plant disease captured images has needless noise and backgrounds in various colors and additional elements like roots, grass, soil, etc. Segmentation is a method used to isolate contaminated regions from the captured images. To facilitate real-time identification of plant diseases, the proposed automatic system must eliminate extraneous components within the image, isolating only the desired segment to identify diseases in the fields effectively. This research introduces DUNet (Wang et al., 2021), a two-stage model that combines the benefits of DeepLabV3+ and U-Net for disease severity classification in cucumber leaf samples against diverse backgrounds. Disease spots on leaves can be identified with U-Net, while DeepLabV3+ segregates healthy parts from complex backdrops.

Survival analysis

Please provide the statement.In order to improve the accuracy of image recognition, the study chooses dense convolutional network as the model base framework. On the one hand, in order to reduce the model training cost, a feature reuse improvement strategy is proposed to reduce the number of model parameters and simplify the model complexity. The study enriches the research theory of dense convolutional networks and parallel computing, and improves the application level of image recognition technology. As computer image processing and digital technologies advance, creating an efficient method for classifying sports images is crucial for the rapid retrieval and management of large image datasets. Traditional manual methods for classifying sports images are impractical for large-scale data and often inaccurate when distinguishing similar images. Through extensive experimentation on network structure adjustments, the SE-RES-CNN neural network model is applied to sports image classification.

To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) capable of classifying raw images of 12-lead ECGs for 10 pathologies. The method used in this experiment differs from most other studies in that ECG image data is directly used to train and test deep learning models as opposed raw signal data or transformations of signal data. Further, most tools are based off analysis of raw signal data (Hannun et al., 2019; Hughes et al., 2021; Sangha et al., 2022).

Three different wells were imaged daily (Supplementary Table S2), before organoid viability was measured using the CTG assay. Representative time-lapse images of the cultured organoids and their output images from OrgaExtractor are shown (Fig. 3e). Data such as total projected areas, total perimeters, total counts, and average eccentricity of 15 images related to Fig. Data of total projected areas from images and CTG assay results from other triplicated wells were both converted to data of predicted cell number, by considering the relative value of one on Day 1, and were plotted on a single graph. Based on the CTG assay results, we empirically found that the growth of cultured organoids has been slowed down on Day 5, which is referred to as the time point for subculture15. Triplicated values extracted from the OrgaExtractor were compared with those of the CTG assay results, and no significant difference was observed on Day 5 (Fig. 3f).

In formulating online education policies, it is recommended that educational decision-makers fully leverage research results to promote evidence-based development. Understanding the relationship between verbal communication indicators and comprehensive course evaluations allows policymakers to precisely guide the direction of online education development, fostering overall improvements in educational standards. Emphasizing data-driven decision-making in the policy formulation process ensures the effectiveness and sustainability of policies, helping translate research findings into practical educational reforms and policy implementations. The experimental outcomes of this work demonstrate significant applications of deep learning and image recognition technologies in secondary education. Utilizing these advanced technologies enables a more comprehensive and objective assessment of online verbal communication among secondary school students, which is crucial for identifying and addressing teaching issues. Educators can practically use these results to promptly recognize and rectify communication challenges, thereby enhancing students’ positive experiences in online education.

What is Data Management?…

This demonstrates that AIDA can also benefit from domain-specific pre-trained weights. For all four datasets, training AIDA with the foundation model as the backbone yielded better results without using any augmentation methods, a scenario in which ADA did not perform well. This suggests that domain-specific pre-trained weights facilitate adaptation to various augmentations. Consequently, without augmentations, FFT-Enhancer is likely to encourage the feature extraction process to focus more on tumor morphology and shape. The proposed AIDA framework was implemented on four datasets related to ovarian, pleural, bladder, and breast cancers.

  • The existence of the fully connected layer leads to the fact that the size of the input image must be uniform, and the proposal of SPP-Net He et al. (2015) solves this problem, so that the size of the input image is not limited.
  • Alex McFarland is an AI journalist and writer exploring the latest developments in artificial intelligence.
  • After \(a\) iterations, the parameter server averages the updated parameter values, and the mean returns to the nodes.
  • For score threshold selection, we targeted a ‘balanced’ threshold computed to achieve approximately equal sensitivity and specificity in the validation set.
  • In the task of object detection, a dataset with strong applicability can effectively test and assess the performance of the algorithm and promote the development of research in related fields.

Figure 4 This figure illustrates the overview to detect the plant leaf disease in a real-time. Identifying diseases in agriculture is challenging due to the similarity ai based image recognition in symptoms and patterns. Incorporating infrared spectral bands could help differentiate diseases, but it increases complexity, cost, and challenges.

ai based image recognition

Because deep learning technology can learn to recognize complex patterns in data using AI, it is often used in natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, and image recognition. These are mathematical models whose structure and functioning are loosely based on the connections between neurons in the human brain, mimicking how they signal to one another. This study (Sachdeva et al, 2021) introduces a DCNN model with Bayesian learning to improve plant disease classification. The study includes 20,639 PlantVillage images of healthy and diseased potato, tomato, and pepper bell plant samples. The model has a remarkable accuracy of 98.9% without any overfitting issues (Sachdeva et al, 2021). The basic features in an image include color, texture, morphology, and other related characteristics.

ai based image recognition

We trained the model with the learning rate and weight decay of 1e-4 for five epochs using the Adam optimizer46. As the amount of tumor and stroma patches were not equal, we used a balanced sampler with a batch size of 150 which meant that in each batch, the model was trained using 75 tumor patches and 75 stroma patches. The resulting classifier achieved 99.76% balanced accuracy on the testing set, indicating the outstanding performance of this tumor/non-tumor model (Supplementary Table 5). The trained model was then applied to detect tumor regions on the rest of the WSIs. To that end, we extracted patches with identical size and magnification to the training phase. To achieve smoother boundaries for the predicted tumor areas we enforced a 60% overlap between neighboring patches.

In CXP, the view positions consisted of PA, AP, and Lateral; whereas the AP view was treated separately for portable and non-portable views in MXR as this information is available in MXR. This analysis emphasizes the importance of carefully considering technical acquisition and processing parameters, but also the importance of carefully choosing score thresholds. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Threshold selection involves optimizing a tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity, and it is critical to understand the factors that influence score distributions and ultimately this tradeoff. Altogether, a detail-oriented approach is necessary towards the effective and equitable integration of AI systems in clinical practice.

Namely, for each view position, the proportions of patient race across images with that view position were compared to the patient race proportions across the entire dataset. This difference was then quantified as a percent change, enabling a normalized comparison to the score changes per view. As an example, if 10% of images in the dataset came from Black patients, whereas 15% of Lateral views are from Black patients, this would correspond to a 50% relative increase. 1a, which were chosen based on their relevance to chest X-ray imaging and data availability.

In the highly weathered stage, the rock structure is completely destroyed, turning into loose soil or sand-like material, with all minerals except quartz transforming into secondary minerals. The network width and depth of the DenseNet determine the parameter quantity of the DenseNet, with the deeper and wider the depth, the more parameters DenseNet has. The study adjusts the growth mode of DenseNet by adjusting the way the width of the DenseNet changes with depth. After improvement, the compression coefficient of the conversion layer in the DenseNet is set to 1, and the growth mode is changed to a gradually widened network growth mode. Some scholars have introduced the above optimization scheme in the improvement of the network structure of related models to make the detection results more ideal.



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